Thursday, April 1, 2021

Give me a hi-five!

Addison was working hard to get Mason to give her a hi-five. This has definitely been one of her goals! It didn't take that long for him to catch on :) She loves it! She probably asks for no less than 40 hi-fives every time she sees Nolan - ha! 

She really wanted Mason to sit on her bean bag chair with her. She had to make sure she had Mason in one arm and Reagan in the other. This didn't last long as Mason is squirmy but Addison was tickled pink it lasted a few seconds!

Next, she wanted Mason to sit in the chair with her. He doesn't like to sit still, but he chewed on a toy for a minute.

My periodic sleeping baby photo......he is so sweet!! I never want to forget the feeling of a sleeping baby. Sitting with Mason like this is one of the few times I sit down and actually relax. I don't have to think about anything else I should be doing when I have a sleeping baby :) 

 Ha! I had to snap a picture of him crying :) He looks so sad when he cries and it breaks my heart! That little lip comes out. It's cute and sad at the same time! 

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