Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Snowmen and Sunday School

Using her snowman kit, she was pretty excited. 

We build the snowmen in the backyard so she can see him outside the living room window or the basement door. 

Our church started offering in-person Sunday School or "Hope Kids" as they call it, in January. We had to sign up in advance each week due to COVID. Addison was so excited. I was excited as well, she has been asking me some difficult questions about life, death, Jesus and God. I was hoping the Sunday School teachers could help us out - ha! 

Mason was 8 months old the first time he attended church. Our church was in-person prior to this, we just hadn't felt comfortable going. But I got over that when they started Sunday School because I really really wanted Addison to go! 

Addison is practicing taking care of Mason, she tells us that she wants to do things for him so we don't have to. Ha! She always wants to scrub his scalp with the brush we got when he was an infant. She also likes dumping the water on his head :) 

 Next, she feeds Mason. Love that he looks almost as big as her! Most of the time she only feeds him part of the bottle because he gets squirmy, but sometimes she feeds him the whole thing. She is an awesome big sister! 

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