Monday, April 19, 2021

9 Months

Aw my happy boy! He enjoys the Baby Bjorn. Especially if he sees himself in the phone, it just cracks him up. 

Little dude was 9 months! Look at those little jeans :) At 9 months, he was eating 6 ounces of formula and eating table food. He loves strawberries and cinnamon bread. He was getting better at chewing and consuming the food rather than just spitting it back out. He throws a lot of food though! 

These are some of my favorite monthly photos, I think the outfit is super cute! He was 9 months in February and it's April now..... I'm not too far behind - ha! 

Addison helps with his photos and sometimes wants in as well. 

Addy has a toy that he wants but I said no because I was trying to take photos. Ha! He was quite sad. 

She's got her purse, her high heels, and her shades. I believe this time she was a mom who just dropped her kids off at daycare. 


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