Thursday, June 27, 2019

More fun in the snow

I'm very thankful for hand-me downs :) Addison's snow pants, coat, boots, and hat were all her cousins'. It's so nice to not have to buy her clothes that she wore maybe 4-5 times. Granted, we have gotten some good use out of the Cy hat, she loved that thing! 

 She was pretty timid in the snow, we had to cover her up. And we had to show her snowballs and make them for her. Although she did pick up the big chunk of snow in the photo on the right.

....And then she dropped it. She was sad. haha! 

She's getting ready to throw a snowball at me. Rules of the game: 1. Addison can throw snowballs at anyone. 2. No one can throw a snowball at Addison. 

Seems fair, right? ha! 

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