Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Dad's birthday & lots of snow

 Addison and I got up and went to Casey's to pick out some donuts for Ryan on his birthday. With his birthday being January 7, we are usually pretty tired of sweets by then. So he doesn't usually want me to make a cake or anything. So we just did a donut cake. Addison was pretty excited this year for Ryan's candles on his donut. She made me re-light the candles a few times.

And since it's 5 months later that I'm writing this, I can't remember if the snow day was the same day as Ryan's birthday. Ryan was out shoveling the driveway and Addison and I were watching him at the window. She wanted to go out, so I said sure. Got her all bundled up and sent her out! 

Gave her a shovel and put her to work! 

It was a heavy, wet snow, she had her work cut out for her. 

I'm sure glad we wore t-shirts and shorts today as I'm looking at these photos. 

We had a ton of snow this year, this definitely was not the only time she went outside to help dad with the driveway! 

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