Monday, June 17, 2019

Girls doing flips

It was late January and we decide to take Addison to her first ISU gymnastics meet. But of course, we had to go to Hickory Park first. That looks like a huge bowl of mashed potatoes in front of Addison, but it was only my side dish - ha! 

There were tons of seats available but she insisted on sitting on the floor. She was super excited to see Cy and wanted to know where he was at all times. She had been asking to go see Cy a lot so that was part of the reason we even went!  The meet was fun for her because there was always something going on to watch. She loved "watching the girls do flips". 

There was probably a total of 20 pictures we took just to get the two photos above. Little stinker wouldn't look at us and smile! 

She noticed there was an infant in front of us and she kept saying "baby sooo cute!!" 

We sent Ryan to get us a Clone Cone and he was gone for a long time. She watched for him the whole time. I'm guessing she was worried that Ryan would be eating it before she got any.

As you can tell by the look on her face, she has spotted Ryan and he's getting closer. She watched him walk halfway around the stadium. Apparently only one stand is open on gymnastics meets and there are a ton of kids wanting ice cream! 

She started yelling "Dad! I'm over here! Come here Dad!" as he started coming down the stairs. She was waving her hand at him to keep coming. haha! 

And she couldn't take her eyes off of it to take a picture! Girl loves her ice cream. 

That was the best smile I got :) All in all it was a great day, Hickory Park, seeing Cy and getting ice cream. 

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