Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I got pig waffles!

I dug out my barnyard animal beligan waffle maker. It's hard to get the mix in the small parts where the heads or legs of the animals are, so I used the "let's just overfill it" method. Ha! She was pretty excited about her animals. She demanded one of each, chicken, pig, and cow. She does a pretty good number on waffles but couldn't eat them all. 

This photo makes me laugh with her hair sticking up and the goofy look on her face. She was helping me make cookies for my staff at work. She loves to help stir. She only flips some of the flour out of the bowl. 

She loves to cruise around on her little Mercedes-Benz. She was yelling "WATCH OUT DONKEY!!" as she bumps into him. Then she was honking the horn at him. Ha! 

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