Saturday, June 29, 2019


Ryan got an email one day that a client couldn't use Ruan's tickets to an ISU game one night. So a VP offered the tickets to Ryan. Couldn't pass that up! It was super cold, the weather was bad (which is probably why the people didn't come) and we couldn't pass it up. With these tickets, then we also had a ticket to take Addison with us. 

We didn't have long in Johnny's before the game started, but long enough to get a beer and a selfie with Johnny. 

Any guesses what the bag on my wrist is? Hint: it's not a purse..... 

Thank you to my dad for coming to the game early to watch Addison so Ryan and I could go into Johnny's. We only had two wristbands :) We brought them some popcorn though. 

Addison and I hanging out, Ryan and my dad went to sit in the good seats down low. We had a good time looking for Cy and watching basketball. 

Oh, and that was a portable toilet seat in the bag on my wrist. I never thought I would carry a toilet seat around like a purse. You might laugh, but boy that thing is a game changer for a little girl and a mom who despises all public restrooms. Ha! And thank you moms on Facebook for talking about this toilet seat....I would have never known about it. Social media CAN be good!! 

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