Friday, June 14, 2019

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Again, still catching up from January. We got a decent amount of snow so I bundled Addison up and sent her outside with Ryan! 

I tossed her in a snow drift, she was quite unsure about this. I tried to show her how to cover her legs. She thought that was okay.....

The little shovel was too heavy for Addison, so I gave her a dustpan. I'm sure Ryan rolled his eyes, but she had fun! When I had her in the snow pile, Ryan thought he would help cover her with snow..... using his shovel. He ended up (somehow) getting her in the face with the snow and snow going down her coat. I'm not sure why he thought that was a good idea, but it made getting her inside the house easy that day! haha! 

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