Saturday, June 29, 2019


Ryan got an email one day that a client couldn't use Ruan's tickets to an ISU game one night. So a VP offered the tickets to Ryan. Couldn't pass that up! It was super cold, the weather was bad (which is probably why the people didn't come) and we couldn't pass it up. With these tickets, then we also had a ticket to take Addison with us. 

We didn't have long in Johnny's before the game started, but long enough to get a beer and a selfie with Johnny. 

Any guesses what the bag on my wrist is? Hint: it's not a purse..... 

Thank you to my dad for coming to the game early to watch Addison so Ryan and I could go into Johnny's. We only had two wristbands :) We brought them some popcorn though. 

Addison and I hanging out, Ryan and my dad went to sit in the good seats down low. We had a good time looking for Cy and watching basketball. 

Oh, and that was a portable toilet seat in the bag on my wrist. I never thought I would carry a toilet seat around like a purse. You might laugh, but boy that thing is a game changer for a little girl and a mom who despises all public restrooms. Ha! And thank you moms on Facebook for talking about this toilet seat....I would have never known about it. Social media CAN be good!! 

Thursday, June 27, 2019

More fun in the snow

I'm very thankful for hand-me downs :) Addison's snow pants, coat, boots, and hat were all her cousins'. It's so nice to not have to buy her clothes that she wore maybe 4-5 times. Granted, we have gotten some good use out of the Cy hat, she loved that thing! 

 She was pretty timid in the snow, we had to cover her up. And we had to show her snowballs and make them for her. Although she did pick up the big chunk of snow in the photo on the right.

....And then she dropped it. She was sad. haha! 

She's getting ready to throw a snowball at me. Rules of the game: 1. Addison can throw snowballs at anyone. 2. No one can throw a snowball at Addison. 

Seems fair, right? ha! 

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

I got pig waffles!

I dug out my barnyard animal beligan waffle maker. It's hard to get the mix in the small parts where the heads or legs of the animals are, so I used the "let's just overfill it" method. Ha! She was pretty excited about her animals. She demanded one of each, chicken, pig, and cow. She does a pretty good number on waffles but couldn't eat them all. 

This photo makes me laugh with her hair sticking up and the goofy look on her face. She was helping me make cookies for my staff at work. She loves to help stir. She only flips some of the flour out of the bowl. 

She loves to cruise around on her little Mercedes-Benz. She was yelling "WATCH OUT DONKEY!!" as she bumps into him. Then she was honking the horn at him. Ha! 

Monday, June 17, 2019

Girls doing flips

It was late January and we decide to take Addison to her first ISU gymnastics meet. But of course, we had to go to Hickory Park first. That looks like a huge bowl of mashed potatoes in front of Addison, but it was only my side dish - ha! 

There were tons of seats available but she insisted on sitting on the floor. She was super excited to see Cy and wanted to know where he was at all times. She had been asking to go see Cy a lot so that was part of the reason we even went!  The meet was fun for her because there was always something going on to watch. She loved "watching the girls do flips". 

There was probably a total of 20 pictures we took just to get the two photos above. Little stinker wouldn't look at us and smile! 

She noticed there was an infant in front of us and she kept saying "baby sooo cute!!" 

We sent Ryan to get us a Clone Cone and he was gone for a long time. She watched for him the whole time. I'm guessing she was worried that Ryan would be eating it before she got any.

As you can tell by the look on her face, she has spotted Ryan and he's getting closer. She watched him walk halfway around the stadium. Apparently only one stand is open on gymnastics meets and there are a ton of kids wanting ice cream! 

She started yelling "Dad! I'm over here! Come here Dad!" as he started coming down the stairs. She was waving her hand at him to keep coming. haha! 

And she couldn't take her eyes off of it to take a picture! Girl loves her ice cream. 

That was the best smile I got :) All in all it was a great day, Hickory Park, seeing Cy and getting ice cream. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Fun with Henry & Violet

There was a Saturday night this past winter when ISU played basketball at 5pm. So we called Lisa and asked if she wanted Addison to come over for a play date with Henry and Violet while we went to the game. It was super cold so it was nice that she could play with them instead! 

Addison was giving us two thumbs up while wearing her sunglasses at night. :) 

She's doing the monkey face Conner taught her while eating a banana. I know I'm 6 months behind on posting, but I thought she was silly then. She is much sillier now! 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Again, still catching up from January. We got a decent amount of snow so I bundled Addison up and sent her outside with Ryan! 

I tossed her in a snow drift, she was quite unsure about this. I tried to show her how to cover her legs. She thought that was okay.....

The little shovel was too heavy for Addison, so I gave her a dustpan. I'm sure Ryan rolled his eyes, but she had fun! When I had her in the snow pile, Ryan thought he would help cover her with snow..... using his shovel. He ended up (somehow) getting her in the face with the snow and snow going down her coat. I'm not sure why he thought that was a good idea, but it made getting her inside the house easy that day! haha! 

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Snowballs and birthday parties

Addison was loving making snowballs and throwing them at Ryan this winter. Yes, it was 82 today and here are some pictures of snowballs :)

It was Addison's friend Emmy's birthday in January and she brought donuts for a daycare treat. And her donuts came with hats! Addison was pretty excited about this hat. Probably more excited than she was for the donuts!

Addison with sweet Emmy. Emmy left daycare shortly after this and we were very sad. Addison and Emmy were 3 months apart and "grew up" at Shannon's. They were the best of friends! And I'm very sad that Emmy lives in Ankeny and won't be in school with Addison. It's June now, and Addison still tells me she misses Emmy.

Addy, Emmy & Crozby. Crozby is 6 months younger than Addison. These three had a blast playing together! 

Monday, June 10, 2019

Time for a swim

It was nice one day in January, I mean like 35 degrees, so we decided to venture out and find a swimming pool. I called around to a few hotels and found one that would allow us to pay to swim. Dug out one of Addison's swimming suits, I thought she looked pretty darn cute!

She was pretty scared, but she finally let us put her in this floaty. We were not allowed to let go though.

It was good we were the only ones there, I'm not sure she would have appreciated other kids splashing (and neither would I, ha!).

She ended up relaxing and having fun (I think) but she got upset if we let go of her tube. It was a nice little Sunday in the pool :) 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Dad's birthday & lots of snow

 Addison and I got up and went to Casey's to pick out some donuts for Ryan on his birthday. With his birthday being January 7, we are usually pretty tired of sweets by then. So he doesn't usually want me to make a cake or anything. So we just did a donut cake. Addison was pretty excited this year for Ryan's candles on his donut. She made me re-light the candles a few times.

And since it's 5 months later that I'm writing this, I can't remember if the snow day was the same day as Ryan's birthday. Ryan was out shoveling the driveway and Addison and I were watching him at the window. She wanted to go out, so I said sure. Got her all bundled up and sent her out! 

Gave her a shovel and put her to work! 

It was a heavy, wet snow, she had her work cut out for her. 

I'm sure glad we wore t-shirts and shorts today as I'm looking at these photos. 

We had a ton of snow this year, this definitely was not the only time she went outside to help dad with the driveway!