Saturday, August 4, 2018


It was pretty hot out so we thought we should get Addison's pool out. She was pretty anti-pictures so I couldn't get much. This was the best I could get, snapping a picture while she took a drink of water - ha! 

She's not a big fan of the water and hasn't been to a pool since April. She won't sit down, just stands there. And she insisted she wear her crocs. I stood in the pool with her for a while and she wanted me to wear my shoes too. She got a little more comfortable that she would splash around, but never sat down.

We brought home the little picnic table from Grandma Rita's and Aunt Kelly gave us a whole bunch of play-doh toys. Parker always had to play with play-doh on the lunch tray, so we made that rule for Addison too. 

I'm not sure who had more fun, Ryan or Addison. Parker had a ton of toys! 

I don't think she fully understood how to play with play-doh, but she sure enjoyed the toys!

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