Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Another weekend adventure - this time we went to Pella! We had never been there and it hasn't worked the past couple years for us to go to Tulip Festival. It's always a busy weekend at work for me. So we went in July. It was forecasted to be about 98 degrees that day. We left the house about 9am and I think it was already 90 degrees when we got there. Addison insisted on having a blanket on. We teased her that she has hung out with Grandma Rita too much. She also put her own sunglasses on....which is why they look a little goofy :) 

Addison was terrified of the giant shoes, so Mom had to get in first. 

She has her head down, almost in tears. She didn't want to be in the shoes. Little does she know, if she would just look it me and smile so I could scrapbook, then it would all be over quickly. haha! 

Clearly, I wasn't going to give up. We were in Pella, we needed a picture in the shoes!! 

And we needed a picture with the windmills too. We saw 4 or 5 windmills. We could have gone on a tour of a bigger one, and there was some little town or something we could tour, but it was an hour long and we would have been the youngest guests by about 30 years. So I'm guessing the others would have liked to listen to the tour guide and not our rambunctious toddler. ha! So we passed this time.

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