Sunday, August 12, 2018

No pictures this time.....

I need to do a better job of keeping track of other milestones. I take so many photos partly so I remember what's going on when I go to write later! But a few things that I don't have photos for that I think are worth remembering:

- She calls Ryan by name. A lot. I think it's funny. Ryan tries to get her to call me Brooke, but she mostly calls me Mom. I think it's really funny when she puts her hand next to mouth and yells "Ryan!!" or even "Dad!!"

- When she chases a ball when we are playing catch she says "I get it" in a high-pitched nonchalant voice. I need to get a video of that one, it's pretty good!

- When you say something like "oh be careful" or "please don't spill that" her response in that same nonchalant voice is "no problem mom" or "no problem dad". It's hilarious - neither of us ever use that phrase.....which makes it even funnier!

- She will try to say something and you don't understand so you start guessing. If you say "oh! did you say park??" she says "okay" and goes to get her shoes. She tricks you into saying what she wants, then makes you commit. "did you say pictures?" then she says "okay" and goes to get your phone and demands you show her pictures of herself. She does this with everything, food, games, etc. Now it's to the point where we keep saying "oh I don't know what you are you want a carrot?" haha :) Ryan and I now have to speak in code if one of us knows what she's saying and the other doesn't!

- Bubble Guppies rule all. ha! That is her most favorite thing in the world. We bribe her to do things sometimes (like take medicine) with Bubble Guppies. I actually don't mind the show, I like the catchy songs and she actually learns things (shh...I've learned a few things too). Today she was telling me there was a tadpole on TV. Neither Ryan or I had heard her say "tadpole" before. She learns animal noises, body parts, etc. I thought I was being a good mom but now regret it....I checked out two Guppie books from the library. Ryan and I have been reading those two books on repeat. And one is super long. But thankfully she's too young to know if we are skipping pages :)

- BUT Paw Patrol toys are the top dogs (ha). She doesn't watch Paw Patrol on TV very often, but man those toys are the best money spent! She loves them. They have helped deviate their fair share of melt-downs.

- We have started thinking about potty training. We have gotten the potties out and we talk about it. Sometimes she wants to sit on the potty. Yesterday, I was folding laundry in the spare bedroom and I heard her and Ryan talking. She said she needed to poop and when Ryan asked if she wanted to sit on the potty, she said yes. Then I hear them talking and I can hear nothing's happening. About 10 seconds later, I hear Ryan yell "OH NO ADDISON!" She apparently ran out of the bathroom without a diaper and then proceeded to poop in her room. Ha! I find this hilarious because Ryan allowed her to run out. He always takes the diaper off right next to the tub, so she is never running around naked. Ever. And the ONE time he allows it, she poops. ha! He took her back to the potty and she did actually pee in the potty. So mark that down as a first! No commitment to potty training, but we are still marking that one down :)

That's all the milestones I can think of right now. It's amazing how fast time flies and how easy it is to forget something. I will try to be better at writing them down!

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