Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Pella Post #2

We decided Addison deserved some ice cream at lunch. Typically we always eat ice cream with a spoon, but she saw Ryan lick it so she wanted to try too. This is her first "lick" from an ice cream cone! 

We figured that we were already a little crazy being out and about on a super hot day....why not be completely crazy? So we went to a park. With a black rubber surface. It was a cool park and we were the only ones there. Because no one else is that crazy. ha! We all had sweat just dripping off us, but Addison was happy as a clam. 

Her cheeks are red she's so hot but by golly she wasn't going to slow down! We did find some chairs in the shade but she didn't sit long. 

We were "peeking" in these photos. I was trying to find a way to get her to actually smile and let me take photos. This actually worked. haha! She called the little shelter a "house" so she was "peeking, house".

She was having a good time...she kept going back to the "house" to "peek". Oh and she says "PEEK!!" each time she pops her head out. haha! 

I feel like this is another pose we should re-create at senior pictures.....

And our last photo in Pella. We were still at the park, but they had this little window that she loved running to. I didn't take photos, but we did go to a bakery. We bought ourselves a couple pastries. We probably should have bought a Dutch Letter (I've never had one), but there were so many things that looked amazing. Plus the way the bakery was set up, you weren't allowed to browse very easily. You stood in a long line (probably 25 people), then when it was your turn, and an employee was "assigned" to you and stared at you until you made a decision. If you walked around the cases, they followed you. There were a bunch of people working and they all worked quickly. Trying to juggle an antsy toddler, jogging stroller and decide on pastries was more stress than I anticipated walking in the door. haha! But it was a good trip to Pella and I'm sure we will go back sometime.

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