Monday, August 6, 2018

Photographer in training

The above photo is of the french braid that Kia (daycare's daughter) did for Addison. Apparently, she said still while Kia did her hair. Maybe that's what I need to do instead of her pulling me around while I try to put her hair in a ponytail! 

She's playing with the play-doh toys....with no play-doh. That morning, she played with the play-doh toys for a good 45 minutes. She loved lining them up, organizing them, then putting them away. 

This was another weekend morning. We were in the kitchen/living room and could hear Addison playing with the bins in the cubbies by the front door. You can see she emptied the koozies and had some kitchen utensils. She was quiet for quite a while so I went to check on her. This is what she was doing. I think she was thinking about her life goals.
 Don't mind the Welcome flower on the floor...the darn thing won't stay on the door. We have a hook that suction cups to the glass stays up for a week or two then falls. Then I try to wait for the temperature outside to cool off a bit because it seems to stick better and I try again. I am stubborn and keep trying to hang it up because I literally have no where to store it - haha! 

I got out my first digital camera from college and put batteries in it. Ta-da! It still works! I'm trying to teach Addison how to use it. She gets the concept but her hands are too small and she struggles to balance the camera to push the button. And you have to hold the button down for what feels like forever, so it's pretty hard for her to take photos. But she will get it. 

We take turns sitting and taking each other's pictures. I'm only posting Addison's because mine and Ryan's aren't cute - haha! 
She loves to use an old phone at daycare and pretend to take photos of baby Weston. I saw it one day, I thought it was pretty funny. She is definitely the mama bear for Weston, she makes sure the other kids are nice to him (aka don't get too close). I should ask if she has shared her rag with him yet.....then you REALLY know she likes you. ha! 

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