Friday, March 3, 2017

Progress on the basement

Addison was excited that work was getting done in the basement! Here she is sitting on the new wet bar.

And in her new storage closet. This picture makes the paint color look's gray. We are all excited about our little storage closet, we have probably filled it three times in our head with everything that will go in there! 

Look how Ryan's holding her, how is that comfy?? Yes I made them get in the shower so I could take a picture. If I have gray hairs, it's because of this stupid shower. Ugh! It was quite a hassle. Thank you to my parents for taking care of the logistics for us! 

And yes we set her on a narrow counter and walked away for the sake of a picture. Grandma Rita doesn't want to see pictures without Addison in them, so we had :) These cupboards have been filled in our head a few times too! haha! 

1 comment:

  1. This looks amazing!!! Can't wait to visit and see everything
