Friday, March 17, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

As today is St. Patrick's Day, I thought it was fitting to post about Valentine's Day :) Only a month behind. If I didn't take so many photos, it would be easier to keep up......

Loving some graham cracker and cheerios :) 

My little Valentine! This was the morning of Feb. 13. This outfit was much cuter on Addison than on the hanger. But then, most outfits are, haha! 

Just playing with my toys :) I love the picture on the right, as if I caught her doing something wrong. And the picture on the left I again think was one Ryan sent me while at work/class. 

You would like she is giving a gentle kiss. Wrong. She's licking the duck. The kid licks everything. The duck's bill was soaked from her sucking on it. 

Yes we are still playing with the exersaucer! 

This was on February 17 - it was 70 degrees outside!! Went for a run with no coat and socks :) It was amazing.

Well the Lents' gene is showing....she is licking my school bag. The kid licks everything. We figured out last night she gets the licking from the Lents side. As her dad was licking dishes and she watched intently. So weird.....

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