Thursday, March 23, 2017

10 months!

 Again, I'm a month behind on postings....she turned 11 months yesterday! I had read an article the day before that mentioned how moms are never in the we took a selfie :)

At 10 months, Addison was pulling herself up on everything. She was eating baby food, cheerios, graham crackers, doesn't like bananas, and LOVES the little gerber puffs. She goes to bed super easy at night, struggles a little at naps. She has become very attached to her burp rags. She cuddles with them in the car seat and always wants a rag to go to bed. She will be playing and crawl across the room to get a rag. And she is super happy if she has multiple rags. She says "mom mom mom" all the time, no dad dad dad yet. And yes she licks everything!! 

Mom and Dad went to an ISU basketball game without Addison one Saturday. We got our annual clone cone :) 

Yup she loves her rag.....often times puts it over her head and crawls around the house. She ran into the fridge "full speed" and we both laughed. hard. 

We found KiKi!! We lost KiKi the elephant for 2 months. Ryan and I were very upset by this. We don't lose things. haha! Grandma Rita was going to buy another one but we told her no. We found her attached to the umbrella stroller we hadn't used in a while.... We were more excited than Addison! 

One night Addison was crying...hard...I was trying to calm her down. I told her I had to take her picture because she never cries that hard. I'm sure she appreciated it.

First night playing in our newly finished basement. Not a good picture of the basement....I will have to take more! We are pretty excited about the new basement! 

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