Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Just having a snack....

We were getting ready to leave Grandma Rita and Grandpa Ron's house one day and Addison was chewing on her toes, just waiting for us to leave. I don't think I had ever seen her get her toes in her mouth while in car seat. Now that's flexibility!

Such crazy hair! At this age she was still loving to crawl all over us and pull herself up. She says "mom mom mom" all the time. We have been trying to get her to say "dad dad dad" but clearly I'm the favorite because she won't say dad :) 

We were having a tough time getting Addison to eat any baby food or any real food at all. Until we tried Grandma Rita's banana bars - those were a hit!

We had gotten a bag of ISU clothes from Brayden.....and we found this Kris Bryant shirt in the bag. Kris Bryant is Brayden's idol and he LOVES this shirt. Clearly it was in the bag by accident but we put it on and took photos to send to Brayden to say thank you for the Cubs shirt :) Nicole said she had been looking for the shirt for weeks! 

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