Monday, March 27, 2017

Dad's weekend away

Ryan and Grandpa Ron headed to KC to go to the Big 12 Tournament with Uncle Landon. Mom and Addy stayed home :) Here are some pictures we sent Dad. The bow literally lasted 20 seconds.

With Dad gone, we headed to the farm! It had been many months since we had been home to see Rocky & JJ. I'm sure Addison didn't even remember them. While on the farm playing with Grandma Rita, Addison started walking along the couch! Grandma Rita knew just what would tempt her enough to make her walk!

Pumpkins in March?? Yup that's what happens when I'm busy. We had not thrown out our pumpkins yet. Since as city folk, you aren't supposed to throw them in the trash, they had sat in our garage. Yes I'm a little ashamed to admit that! So heading to the farm, I threw them in the car to throw in the field. Had to take one last picture with Addison and her artwork from Grandpa Ron. This was the pumpkin he carved her name in. 

She LOVED standing at the sliding glass door and watching the dogs. She wasn't too sure about them when I opened the door and Rocky started barking. JJ (shown) was pretty excited to see us too. We will get to the farm more often! School and work have been a hindrance, but I will be done with school in 12 "short" weeks! 

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