Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Dad's still away....

On Saturday March 11, Addison, Grandma Rita, and I headed to Ames to meet Kelly & Parker. We of course made a visit to Hickory Park!

Love this picture - Parker and Addison had a good time playing! And we watched ISU win the Big 12 Championship as well! We sent Dad a few photos and facetimed as well....We are pretty sure he had too much to miss us! 

Playing with a duck in my duck jammies! 

I'm not sure how to even explain these two photos......we found a bandanna and made an outlaw out of Addison! Then Grandma Rita found the cowboy hat from my bachelorette party....oh boy.....

Monday, March 27, 2017

Dad's weekend away

Ryan and Grandpa Ron headed to KC to go to the Big 12 Tournament with Uncle Landon. Mom and Addy stayed home :) Here are some pictures we sent Dad. The bow literally lasted 20 seconds.

With Dad gone, we headed to the farm! It had been many months since we had been home to see Rocky & JJ. I'm sure Addison didn't even remember them. While on the farm playing with Grandma Rita, Addison started walking along the couch! Grandma Rita knew just what would tempt her enough to make her walk!

Pumpkins in March?? Yup that's what happens when I'm busy. We had not thrown out our pumpkins yet. Since as city folk, you aren't supposed to throw them in the trash, they had sat in our garage. Yes I'm a little ashamed to admit that! So heading to the farm, I threw them in the car to throw in the field. Had to take one last picture with Addison and her artwork from Grandpa Ron. This was the pumpkin he carved her name in. 

She LOVED standing at the sliding glass door and watching the dogs. She wasn't too sure about them when I opened the door and Rocky started barking. JJ (shown) was pretty excited to see us too. We will get to the farm more often! School and work have been a hindrance, but I will be done with school in 12 "short" weeks! 

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Chief Crazy Hair

We took this photo because Addison's hair was actually laying down....for a few minutes! 

Ryan put her pants on her head.....She looked like a gypsy :) 

Stylin' baby out for a jog. 

  Just playing in the kitchen. She was practicing throwing a ball. And banging on all the cupboards.

Ryan and Addison had been working on their pop flies. This was her stance. We have yet to determine if she's a righty or a lefty, she uses both still. 

We did a quick mohawk in the tub one night....her hair is getting longer! And yes we still bath her in the bath chair....she doesn't seem to mind and it's easy! 

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Playing catch

Playing catch with Dad! I have to stand behind her with my phone otherwise she wants the phone instead.

Practicing her throwing! 

This video was pretty funny. I had given her a graham cracker. This video was a month ago....she LOVES graham crackers now. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

10 month photos

Here are the photos we got taken at JcPenny's for 10 months. We ordered quite a few as we had some good coupons!

Can see a hint of that little dimple!! 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

10 months!

 Again, I'm a month behind on postings....she turned 11 months yesterday! I had read an article the day before that mentioned how moms are never in the photos....so we took a selfie :)

At 10 months, Addison was pulling herself up on everything. She was eating baby food, cheerios, graham crackers, doesn't like bananas, and LOVES the little gerber puffs. She goes to bed super easy at night, struggles a little at naps. She has become very attached to her burp rags. She cuddles with them in the car seat and always wants a rag to go to bed. She will be playing and crawl across the room to get a rag. And she is super happy if she has multiple rags. She says "mom mom mom" all the time, no dad dad dad yet. And yes she licks everything!! 

Mom and Dad went to an ISU basketball game without Addison one Saturday. We got our annual clone cone :) 

Yup she loves her rag.....often times puts it over her head and crawls around the house. She ran into the fridge "full speed" and we both laughed. hard. 

We found KiKi!! We lost KiKi the elephant for 2 months. Ryan and I were very upset by this. We don't lose things. haha! Grandma Rita was going to buy another one but we told her no. We found her attached to the umbrella stroller we hadn't used in a while.... We were more excited than Addison! 

One night Addison was crying...hard...I was trying to calm her down. I told her I had to take her picture because she never cries that hard. I'm sure she appreciated it.

First night playing in our newly finished basement. Not a good picture of the basement....I will have to take more! We are pretty excited about the new basement! 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Just having a snack....

We were getting ready to leave Grandma Rita and Grandpa Ron's house one day and Addison was chewing on her toes, just waiting for us to leave. I don't think I had ever seen her get her toes in her mouth while in car seat. Now that's flexibility!

Such crazy hair! At this age she was still loving to crawl all over us and pull herself up. She says "mom mom mom" all the time. We have been trying to get her to say "dad dad dad" but clearly I'm the favorite because she won't say dad :) 

We were having a tough time getting Addison to eat any baby food or any real food at all. Until we tried Grandma Rita's banana bars - those were a hit!

We had gotten a bag of ISU clothes from Brayden.....and we found this Kris Bryant shirt in the bag. Kris Bryant is Brayden's idol and he LOVES this shirt. Clearly it was in the bag by accident but we put it on and took photos to send to Brayden to say thank you for the Cubs shirt :) Nicole said she had been looking for the shirt for weeks! 

Monday, March 20, 2017

Am I a bunny or a duck?

It was fairly nice out one morning back in February, so we took a walk to Casey's to get donuts. I realized when we got home, it wasn't as nice I had thought......Addison kept her gloves on but her fingers were pretty cold. Mom fail. She didn't seem to mind one bit. Ryan thought her bunny coat and duck pajamas were humorous......

"Hmmm.....should I order the ribs or 1/4 chicken....." We met Landon, Nicole, Brayden and my parents at Hickory Park before a basketball game one Saturday. 

And it was so nice out we played a little baseball in the backyard. 

  Addison and Grandma Rita played while the rest of us went to the game. I'm sure Addison caused lots of trouble ;)

 Brayden loved the basketball game - but who wouldn't?!? He asked Landon lots of questions and caught on pretty quick.

Poor Cooper was resting peacefully when Addison decided she needed to see what he was doing! Addison is used to 5 pound dogs, so Coop is different to her! This is the first time she has paid attention to him, and the poor dog just wanted to nap!

Glad I got pictures of this silly face as we haven't seen it a while! Crazy kid.