Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Weekend at Home

A couple weeks ago, we had a nice relaxing weekend at home. As you can see above in the background, we did a lot of playing :) 

We had been cleaning and working around the house....I told Addison we need to just lay down and rest for a few minutes. Bet you can guess how well that went! The picture above is about the only time she sat still. She liked seeing herself in the camera. 

She got this piggy bank from Makena and Conner for Christmas. She is a big fan of the pig. She LOVES to lick his nose. She is constantly licking his nose, haha. 

This picture is deceiving, you would think she is enjoying mealtime. She then clammed up and wouldn't eat any baby food. ha! But it sure is a cute picture! 

Haha...her new favorite facial expression. She makes the "oooo" sound too. Love it! 

Sent this one to Grandpa Ron....told him Vernon would be proud of her cleaning her tractor.She shined it up real nice. haha!

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Call Me Maybe....

Getting ready for work/daycare one day and took these pictures. Took them to send to Aunt Tracey, as Addy was wearing Makena's sweatshirt. This girl loves her phone from one of her toys. You never know where you might find it as she carries it around the house and leaves it places. You usually find it by stepping on it. :)

Happy girl super early one Saturday morning 

She loves to hold her sign during photos. These were taken on a weekend were we just got to hang out. I had to do some homework of course, but we just got to relax and watch basketball. I would also like to point out that she is wearing BOTH socks :)

 Just trying to figure out what these balloons are.....

She was getting more confident in her standing abilities. The photo on the right, I love her facial expression as she dares to take one hand off the chair......

So Addison loves this toy. It plays classical music and lights up. She has loved this thing since she was a little bitty baby. She has figured out the button to start it and the button for 5, 10, or 15 minutes of music. She likes to start it for 15 minutes, listen to it for a few minutes, then crawl away and it keeps going. What's amazing, it almost always works to calm her down and make her stop fussing when she isn't happy!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

9 Months

Well this seems fitting to post about turning 9 months, as she is 10 months old today!! Wow my little munchkin has changed so much! 

This makes me laugh....apparently she was having some rough nights as I wrote she sleeps 2-5 hour stretches. And dislikes sleeping. haha!! Yikes! Clearly no sleep did not affect her mood. 

 At 9 months she loved baby food and had just started eating Cheerios. Stale Cheerios, but she didn't care. She was loving to pull herself up on items. She was roughly 20 pounds and 27 inches tall. Still has crazy hair.

 I was trying to get a picture of her and Gwen, you can see how well that worked out :) The photo on the left was the escape roll.
 I can't wait to take her shopping for her birthday to buy another cabbage patch kid!
Kid still has some crazy expressions! She is at a fun age where she is playing with you. She's also still loud...it's okay though because we don't have to listen to the announcers during basketball games. 

And we are done with goofy bow. At 9 months she started to learn that she could pull the bows off. However, she has not learned that if she pulls them far away from her head and then lets go, that they will snap back on her. Ha! 

Monday, February 20, 2017

Starting to stand

Well it was a quick transition from crawling to standing! Only a couple weeks, I thought it would be longer before she had the desire to stand. I'm a month behind in posting, but she LOVES to stand now. We started putting some toys on the couch for her to play with because she is more interested then. The pictures above are from the very first time she stood on her own. She worked really hard with no help. And she finally got it! Motivation was my sweatshirt strings.

 She is obsessed with my sweatshirt strings. Ryan tucks his in so she can't suck on them. What a mean dad :)

All that work must have been worth it, because she went over to the couch and started the process all over again! 

Just a picture of our goofy little monkey. Between her and the tractor, I'm not sure who was making more noise.....

Awww...my little cuddlebug. I made Ryan take our picture. I LOVE when she is sleepy and just cuddles on my shoulder. She was waking up from a nap. Ryan and I sometimes fight over who gets the sleepy cuddles :) 

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Our little sweetheart

Here are the photos we had taken at Target. I was pretty happy with them. For the fact that she was crying at the beginning and just wanted me to hold her, I was pretty pleased with what we got!

These were also her 9 month photos. Can't believe how fast time has flown!! She is loving to pull herself up. She started eating cheerios and LOVES them. Would put them in by the handful if we let her :) 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Valentine's Photos in January

 These two toys are some of her favorites right now. They make lots of noise, even if you walk away....  Both gifts from Landon, Nicole and Brayden!

 Ryan asked her if she wanted her ear pierced.  :) 

We had gone to Target to get our Valentine's Photos taken. So I decided to take a few when we got home. She was pretty cranky at Target and actually cried. But then was ready to smile when we got home! 

Love this picture of her! 

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

39 Weeks old

This apparently is the best picture I have with her sign. She got a hold of Ryan's sandwich container when he got home from work. She LOVES sandwich containers. 

Yup, she is licking the sandwich container. She also likes to lick the couch. Or your pant leg. I told her she is acting like Cooper (Brayden's dog). haha!

And now she's going to lick her sign. 

Haha, a couple more of the crazy face she makes! It was so funny, but it's gone now. Glad I got good pictures. Crazy kid.

Pictures are getting harder as she doesn't want to sit still, but we still managed to get some good ones! Her hair is getting longer as you can see and is as wild as can be. We absolutely love it. :)