Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Go Cubs Go!

Well kid, it finally happened. We have been secretly talking about it (just you and me) all summer, but I can't believe it happened. Our Cubbies made it to the World Series!! WooHoo!! We are super excited, me and you. I think your dad is a little happy too. He grew up being a White Sox fan, but I think he's starting to like our Cubbies more and more. I caught him watching them a lot this summer. :) Me & you watched a lot of Cubs games while I was on maternity leave. We often times watched replays in the middle of the night. Your favorite player of course was Addison Russel. Remember Addison Russel hit a home run on April 23, the day we named you. We think you were good luck. That's Grandma Rita's favorite player too. You also like Javier Baez, because he's got quick hands to make good plays and Javy is a fun name. And we like Kris Bryant because that's Brayden's guy (and he's also pretty handsome). It's been a pretty fun team to watch. Your Uncle Landon kept trying to get Cubs tickets for the playoffs and World Series. If he does, we are sending you with him (since you get in free).

You have always liked watching baseball with Mom & Dad. I had class last night, but Dad told me a cute story. Last night was Game 1 of the World Series. You were sitting on Dad's lap, watching the game. Kyle Schwarber had a nice hit. You intently watched the hit, the ball bounced off the wall and Schwarber got a double. After Schwarber was safely on 2nd, you looked up at Dad and gave a big smile. Dad said "it's like she knew exactly what happened and was happy". I said of course, we have been watching baseball all summer, she knows the game! We keep telling dad it's still baseball season, it's not football yet!

You went to bed last night when the Indians were up 3-0. We haven't told you yet that the Cubs lost. It was only Game 1.

This is a big year kid. The Cubs haven't been to the World Series since 1945 and last won in 1908. Go Cubs Go!!

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