Saturday, October 8, 2016

Sick baby

Well, the inevitable happened. Thursday Sept. 15 at about 4pm, I got a text from daycare that Addison wasn't eating great and had a fever. I had class that night, so Ryan was on his own. As I'm getting to class, Ryan tells me that he took her temp and it was 101. ugh. I was pretty worked up since it was the first time she was sick and I had class. So I sat through a presentation by Principal's former CEO (it was actually really good) and kept texting Ryan. FINALLY I got home.
This was my little ball of fire. I couldn't believe how hot she was. Ryan was sweating because she wouldn't let him put her down. I felt so bad for her! Thursday night was rough. She wouldn't let us put her down and I struggled to sleep because I was worried (clearly our first time). About 2am, Ryan came downstairs and took over and I got 3 hours of sleep before getting up for work.  Ryan stayed home with her on Friday. Her fever broke that afternoon but she still wanted to be cuddled and was only eating 2 ounces at a time.

We apparently didn't take any pictures on Friday. These were on Saturday, when ISU was playing at TCU. She was still wanting to snuggle and not back to normal. Still was only eating 2-3 ounces. We got outside and got some fresh air.

She wasn't letting us put her down at this point, so Ryan held her for her weekly photo.
Felt a little better Saturday afternoon and played in the exersaucer! Took another picture of her crazy hair. It's dark at her rat tail, then there is a bald ring around her head. It's pretty blond on top.

Sunday we got some smiles!! Feeling better and eating more on Sunday. Slowly getting back to normal.

Monday morning we were happy before daycare! Mom can finally relax. It was a long weekend....

So I was at class and got this picture from Ryan. The bottom of the exersaucer from Kelly got lost somewhere from Minnesota to Iowa. So Ryan used redneck ingenuity.

Came home to find this. Thankful I was able to get my phone out for a picture in time. She was holding the book and listening intently. She likes that "noothbrush on my toothbrush" :)

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