Monday, October 10, 2016

Week 22

Conner came down for the San Jose St. game. We were all doing something, so we told Conner to watch Addison. 

I don't think she sat there long enough to squirm though. Grandma Rita's floor is pretty hard, so that's probably a good thing. 

It was chilly one night as we were going for our walk, so we put a coat on. This is Makena's 3 month coat. Little short but it worked! 

She was laying in the center of the blanket and rolled off while she was sleeping. Ryan and I have seriously considered buying her a dog bed. She sleeps in the living room, so why not? Plus it might hold her in place a little better! 

Going for a walk and Ryan told her she looks like an old lady going to the gym. The sweats were a little big. :) 

Addison loves her some rice cereal! Ryan makes "nom nom nom" noises and she looks up and smiles. You can see that I'm holding one arm down, but needed the other to take the picture. If we leave an arm free, she helps you feed her.

Waiting for Grandma Rita to comment on the junk in the background of my pictures :) 

This was a different night, so the counters were a little cleaner, ha! 

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