Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Yum Yum Yum

The rice cereal is going pretty good! She loves to look down, which is super annoying while you try to feed her. You can't see if you actually got any in her mouth! But just this last week, she will look up if you say her name (sometimes it takes saying it repeatedly really fast for about 20 times, but she does look up, haha)

 She loves to grab the spoon while she eats. So Ryan lets her. We usually try to hold her hands down and she loves to put her hands in her mouth with the cereal.

Every time we use the orange bowl, she tries to grab it! This night was the first time with the orange bowl and she loves it. She leaves the other colors alone. You can also see in the one with her and the spoon, she refuses to sit like a normal kid in the bumbo.

She's practicing for real cereal and drinking the milk :)

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