Wednesday, October 19, 2016

23 weeks

This picture makes me laugh...she looks so awkward. This is not a very flattering picture, sorry kiddo.

Another pair of Cyclone jammies! These are fleece jammies, it finally got cold enough we could wear them. We weren't sure if we would get in them before she out-grew them.

Addison & her pumpkins! Thanks to Grandma Rita for the ridiculously cute outfit.

We forgot Casper in the first pictures. Ryan likes to take Casper and make ghost noises and try to scare Addy. She laughs at him. I got home from class one night and he told me "I've been practicing my ghost noises" - haha! I should get a video.
Addison, Casper came from your Grandma Rita. She gave me Casper when I was in college, I think sophomore year. She filled him with candy and brought him to me. I love Casper and sometimes he stays out for 4 -6 months. Your Uncle Landon has Joe Mummy, or as Brayden calls him - Mummy Joe. When Brayden calls, he asks to see Casper, so we have to go down to the basement to show him Casper. When Brayden was 2, your Uncle Landon had him convinced that the pumpkin was full of spiders. It was quite humorous! Needless to say, no spiders, all candy :) 

Addison has gotten to the stage where she is interested in what we are eating. From what I read, that's a sign of being ready for baby food! She eyed every forkful of mac and cheese and wouldn't let go of the bowl. She watches my every move while I eat cereal. I tell her all the good kinds of cereal she's gonna love :)

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