Monday, January 30, 2023

Vacation Bible School

Addison did Vacation Bible School last July for a week after daycare. So it's a long week for us, we get home each night about 8:30pm. She was OUT on our drive to bible school one night! 

We went to the church celebration night at the end of bible school. They had inflatables, mini golf, and other games. Plus dinner and desserts of course. The kids love going to "church parties"! 

It was a western theme this year, Addison was excited to wear her cowboy boots! They gave away these hats too, she thought that was pretty cool. They invited all the kids up on the stage to sing. She loves being on stage. She was packed in the back so we didn't get to see her very well. So we took some pictures afterwards. 

Mason was excited to see some hay bales. 

 Addison loves bible school and I hope her excitement keeps up! 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Pants Fall Down

Picture of all the cars/trucks that Mason has to take to bed every night. Some nights it was even more than this! Now he has the toddler rail on his bed and sometime we hear a crash of a toy falling out of his bed. Somehow it doesn't wake him up! 

Found some football pads at Duckworth and Ryan asked Mason if he was ready to play. We told Mason to give us a scary face for the picture. Ha! 

Ryan and I were looking at doors at Home Depot and heard Mason say "Oh no! Pants fall down!" Hahaha! The pants are so old the elastic went out and wouldn't stay up. 

Addison's daycare took them bowling, she had a blast! 

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Mason and his finger guns

This was how they were watching TV one morning. I hope they always enjoy each other this much! 

Mason is doing finger guns on the semi ride. We think his finger guns are so funny. Every time on the semis. Ha! 

Venturing to try new rides.... he clearly loved it! I am always nervous sending him without me for fear that he will freak out. Ha! 

Tractor at the playground at Adventureland.

Playing with Grandpa Ron's corn. Since this picture, we fill our wagons with the corn and transport it around the living room. We also got another container of corn because we just didn't have enough! 

I can't remember where we were going, but this is what she chose to wear. Poppy for the day :) 

Now I remember, we were going to the Ames house. The ride on cars are at the Ames house so we went there for a "Sunday drive". Mason got brave enough to drive his own car, but prefers to ride in the gator with Addison. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Adventureland with Caleb

We went to Adventureland with Lauren and Caleb on a Wednesday this summer. Addison was pretty excited! Caleb even brought her a lollipop. 

Big day, we bought lunch at the park. We always pack our own lunch and eat outside the park. This day, she picked out pizza for us to share. 

We spent the afternoon at the waterpark. We did a couple laps in the lazy river, then Lauren and Caleb had to go. 

 We relaxed a little bit before having to go back to reality. 

Monday, January 16, 2023

The Zoo, Dentist, and Donuts

Look at that giraffe! I criticize the Des Moines Zoo a lot as it is so small, doesn't have many animals and is expensive (in my opinion).....BUT we can get close to the giraffes and they are always out. And we really like the giraffes! 

Mason is in front of the rhino. We like the rhinos too, but they don't do much but lay around like some rocks :) The kids do enjoy the wallaby exhibit on the right, we got to see some wallabies running one day, that was fun. 

 Of course, they had to take turns and let Mason be in the front. Ha! 

Addison was so excited that daycare took her to an ice cream shop. We told her that bowl was WAY too big :) 

This day is forever engrained in the kids' memory. We went to the dentist one morning in July. Growing up, my dad would often times stop at Casey's with us after the orthodontist. So after the dentist, I stopped at Casey's and got the kids a donut to share. We sat on the curb at daycare to eat it. They thought this was the coolest thing. Mason is constantly saying "we ate donut over there!" when we pull into daycare. It's so funny to me that he remembers that! 

Addison had a roller-skating day at daycare so I bought her some plastic ones at Target so she could practice before the big day. She's pretty slow going around the house but it works! 

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sparklers and a big fish

Conner's Birthday Video.... we laughed at how old they think he is. Also adding this in to document our "big fish" game. Ryan says "look at this big fish I caught" and holds the kids upside down. They laugh, every time. No matter what kind of mood they are in, they laugh every time. 

Sparklers in the driveway.... both kids were scared but did it. Ha! I was also very nervous as Ryan burned himself pretty badly on a sparkler years ago. 

I was surprised it took this long for Mason to try to ride this horse. Ha! 

We got the kids packed up and drove to Ankeny to see fireworks. They have no issue staying up work late, these kids require little sleep. They were wild and crazy and enjoyed the fireworks. And of course, wanted more! 


Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Summerfest Parade

We were getting ready for our big Mexico vacation and Mason got a new American Flag hat!

Our little fashion model with her new hat and new sunglasses. She told me to send this video to my whole family :) 

Aw my little cuddlebug! Every time I call him my cuddle bug, Mason and Ryan said "not a cuddle bug!" Now Mason will tease Ryan and call himself a cuddle bug :) He looks so sweet, I wish I could spend every minute of the day with him! 

It was a hot one! This was the Ankeny Summerfest parade. We definitely were too late to get a spot, but we squeezed in on the corner and another family was nice enough to share some candy with the kids. These are their baskets from Mexico. 

Mason was pointing at the tractors. The parade started with a John Deere Sprayer. 

It was a good parade and we hit up the playground before leaving (as we let traffic clear out). 

That giggle!! Ha! I love it. 

Monday, January 9, 2023


Addison was excited she is tall enough for the bumper cars. Addison and I did it one day and there was only 2 other people on the ride..... kind of defeats the purpose of bumper cars when almost all the cars are empty. ha! 

There were TONS of tiny frogs near the bumper cars. I don't think I had ever seen frogs that small before! 

It's near her thumbnail. It's no bigger than her thumbnail! I couldn't believe how tiny they were and also that she had no fear in holding it :) 

I can't get enough of these two! There are seriously best friends. We had a very relaxing, boring weekend at home this weekend and those two laughed and played. They make up their own games and just laughed and laughed. Addison does get annoyed every once in a while, but 90% of the time, she is all about her brother. 

Doing finger guns on the semi trucks. I couldn't believe he rode the trucks by himself this year! 

Addison loved all the rides at Adventureland, even the ones that weren't too thrilling to her. 

She loved going on all the rides with Mason too. We had a lot of fun at Adventureland last summer, I'm kind of sad we don't have passes for this year!