Monday, December 5, 2022

Sick Kiddo

Mason packs his crib with tractors and cars, he LOVES his tractors! 

This poor kid had a rough week. He was sick for about 4 or 5 days. He woke up from a nap on Wednesday with a temp of 103 and labored breathing so I took him into Express Care. They were instantly concerned and kind of freaked me out, saying I needed to take him to Blank. They examined Mason without me even checking in. They checked him over and his blood oxygen level was borderline. They gave him ibuprofen and a prescription as she assumed he either had early pneumonia or bronchitis. Ugh. But thankfully they didn't send us to Blank. I didn't take a picture when he looked really bad, but 2 hours later, he was riding a bike in the driveway. So weird! 

Sam's Club run with these two. Shopping is harder with them sometimes but at least they have a good time! 

We love the views at this house, we see some beautiful sunsets! The kids talk to Grandpa Ron about the sunsets, sunrises, color of the sky and the moon. This night we facetimed with him and watched each other's sunsets. Crazy how different they can be when only 1.5 hours away! 

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