Saturday, December 31, 2022

Dance Recital!

We had dance recital June 3 and 4. The whole week of recital was busy with rehearsals. It was kind of crazy with it being our first year and not knowing what to expect, but they did give us a good handbook. Addison was pretty excited but she didn't know about what! 

She's in the middle with her arm up in the air. I was able to sit close and take pictures during the rehearsal. 

In the middle again

Looking back at her instructor. I was soooo sick the two days of recital. Not throwing up, but I was so tired, headache, sore throat. I was down for the count. Went to the dr, certain I had strep.... and both strep and covid were negative. I felt so bad, I wanted it to be something! Ha! I was miserable but had to find a way to power through due to the recital. It was rough. I didn't hardly get time to sleep because of daycare drop offs and then getting ready for dress recital, recitals and staying through the events. Yikes! Glad that's over. Ha! BUT, recital was great and Addison had so much fun. 

Getting ready for ballet. She also had a great day because after the second day of dance recital, she got to go to her first birthday party at her friend Layla's house. Ryan and I joined since Ryan knew Layla's dad from college. It was a great weekend! 


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