Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Lunch with Addison

Parents got invited to lunch at school at the end of the year. I was planning to go with Addison.....then Mason got sick. I felt so bad, I had to tell her I couldn't go. Ryan had conference for work, so he couldn't help me out. I told Addison I couldn't go and she was of course very mature about it and understood. But I could tell she was disappointed. So I called my mom that morning to see if she could come sit with Mason for a few hours. 

So my mom came down and Addison was so excited I was able to have lunch with her. She loved showing me the lunch room and the playground. I did learn that most families bring lunch in from somewhere and not the PB&J that I brought. Ha! One whole family came in with a pizza from Casey's. Of course, Addison didn't care! 

Addison loved showing me everything she can do on the playground. 

Addison's friend Tempe has recess with her. We know Tempe and her mom from daycare. These girls are two peas in a pod! 

Addison showed me her chickens in her classroom, she was so excited! 

Since there was only an hour of school left, Addison came home with me. This was the day that Mason woke up with a super high temp and looked awful, so I rushed him to Express Care and Addison went to Ames shopping with my mom. So thankful for my mom that day to help me have a special day with Addison. Plus Addison got to spend some time with my mom alone, which she loves. I think my mom bought her a new notebook that day, Addison was thrilled. 

Addison is already talking about me coming to lunch with her at the end of 1st Grade! 


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