Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sick days

Oh man, it's been so long since this little dude was sick. I'm waiting every day now for him to get sick. Ha! It seems like everyone is getting sick right now, and I mean EVERYONE. It's apparently an after-effect of wearing masks and not going out (they say), but I think that's slightly crazy since no one around here was wearing masks last year either. It's crazy the amount of illness going around..... strep, RSV, influenza, etc. There is a shortage of amoxicillin and now Tylenol. There are still supply chain issues with various products. The grocery stores have been short on bread for a while and now I can hardly get shredded cheese at Aldi's.  

I hope when Mason does get sick, he's jumping toys like he was this time he got sick in May. Ha! We are just waiting for the sickness and ask the kids every day if they are feeling okay. ha! It's bound to hit us at Christmas..... 

Mason does not fall asleep in other places than his bed like Addison used to, so you know he's not feeling well if he does! Poor Buddy. 

Addison had dance pictures last May, it was our first time. It's quite the production and not what I expected. This last year and a half has been quite the learning experience with all the new activities and trying to figure things out (for me not her!). 


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