Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Planting pumpkins

Addison was so excited to be at the farm to plant pumpkins with Grandpa Ron. She bugged him and FINALLY it was time to go outside to plant. 

Mason got to help as well. He didn't understand what he was doing but Addison tried hard to explain it to him. 

The highlight of planting pumpkins was the flag placement. Mason had a red flag and Addison got the pink flags. They talked so much about the flags. Funny, I loved putting the flags in too. My dad always had them behind the seat in his truck, back then it was a bench seat though. 

We heard the pumpkin planting process multiple times throughout the summer and Grandpa Ron would send us picture updates of the pumpkin plants. Addison loved it. Then we were there when they grown and she got to walk out to see them. She loved seeing the product she grew. It was so fun for me as that was a very memorable part of my childhood. I'm glad she got to experience that with my dad too :) 

Took this picture for another purpose but decided to put it in the blog too. This was the homestead in 2019. Grandma said it will be the last picture they do. She gave each of us kids a picture for our house. 

Another memorable part of my childhood was climbing trees. Dad had to cut down the branch I usually used to get in the tree so I had to give her a boost. This is the tree in the front yard that I always climbed. I hung out in that tree too. There used to be an old picnic table we put under the tree to help me climb up. Chip would sit on the table and wait for me to come back. 

 A quick weekend at the farm but it was a good one. Jam packed. Even though this was last May, Mason asks a couple times a week to go back to the farm. It's winter now, but I promised to get him back soon! 

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