Monday, November 21, 2022

Mohawks, Tball, and Adventureland


Nolan got his hair cut into a mohawk when Nicole was away for work. Mason became envious. Ha! 

The way he says "mo-hawk" cracked us up. 

Addison's T-ball Game, she's the runner on first. 

Fielding the ball - she did much better than we expected! 

She's ready for it! It's so fun to watch her, I love it! 

Wagon ride into Adventureland. 

They did some perks for season pass holders and one of them was free ice cream cups. 

Another freebie was an icee. Addison was pumped. So was I, my mom used to let me get icees at Target all the time. I loved them! This one was lemonade mixed with cherry (they have gotten fancy since I was young). 

Mason had a blast at the playground. 

And we ended the day with free popcorn. Ryan and I also tried to drink our money's worth in fountain soda. Ha! 

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