Sunday, November 6, 2022

Happy Birthday to Addison & Mason

Grandma & Grandpa got Mason a battery-powered Paw Patrol car. There are all sorts of bells and whistles, he didn't know what to think! Addison was pretty excited for him. 

We did a joint birthday party and they were pretty excited. 

Addison really wanted an umbrella that she could take to school, Nolan & Brayden got her one. She was so excited. It was pouring yesterday so she took it to school! 

And then she got new cowboy boots..... this girl LOVES cowboy boots. She wore these all summer to day, lol. 

They got matching Mickey shirts. 

Little dude has this present thing figured out! 

Parker got him some Mickey crocs, he loved them! It's now November and we just had a disagreement yesterday about whether or not he could wear his Mickey crocs when it's 38 degrees out. I'm going to have to hide them now! 

Kiddos with their cakes! This worked out nicely :) 

We had some trick candles for Addison, it was pretty funny. I love Mason's little hand trying to wave the smoke away. Happy Birthday kiddos! 

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