Saturday, November 19, 2022

Grandma & Grandpa's pet squirrel

Sporting his new dinosaur vest from Grandma Rita for his birthday. I didn't think he would like it but he loved it and asked 

He's got his bag of toys to go to Addison's t-ball game. 

Grandma & Grandpa haven't gotten another dog, so they got a pet squirrel. Craziest thing, Grandpa Ron called us and sent us a picture one night of this little baby squirrel in the shed. He was basically tame. He didn't run away from my dad. 

This is a video my dad sent of my mom playing with the squirrel. I wouldn't be more shocked if my right arm fell off. Ha! The squirrel hung out in the back yard for a couple weeks and then he parted ways. What an interesting and funny squirrel! 


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