Tuesday, November 8, 2022

First trip to Adventureland!

Addison got her facepainted at an event in Ames. Girl always chooses the unicorn! 

First time to Adventureland this year! Addison got season passes to Adventureland for her birthday. It was a nice weekend in May so we headed to the park! 

We brought the wagon, but Mason insisted on pulling it himself. Ha! 

They added quite a few new rides for younger kids. They had a mini-galleon so Addison had to try it out. She loved it! 

Big sister taking little brother on his first ride. I love that she feels so protective of him! I wish I could have heard what she was saying to him. She doesn't do it anymore, but she used to talk to him in a high-pitched voice. It was funny! 

He remained expression-less the whole time on the ride. Ha! 

Mason wanted to be just like Addison - with a jacket with a hood and a backpack. Ha! 


We also got some climbing blocks or exercise things from Nolan that the kids had fun with. Again, we have had them for all of 5 minutes and Mason is trying to knock another tooth out! 

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