Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fun with Reagan & Reid

It was Hat Day at school and Mason wanted to join in on the fun! 

Mason got a new slide (that's also a waterslide) for his birthday. Only took a day or two before he was headed down head first! 

Erin, Reagan and Reid came to spend the night at our house while on their way to Omaha. Ryan set up the John Deere Apple farm. It was a hit! 

Puppy chow before bed! 

Mason recently discovered he loves puppy chow. Who doesn't?! 

Boys in their tractor jammies and girls in their jammie dresses! 

These kids had so much fun! It was a short visit but the four kids played soooo well together. It was fun to see. Too bad we don't live closer, we could have so much fun! 

 Making Mickey Mouse waffles for our guests before they leave. They were headed to Omaha for some birthday parties. We had fun with Reagan and Reid! And I loved seeing Erin too of course :) 

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