Monday, November 7, 2022

May Day

Addison got to experience her first May Day! With COVID and moving, we haven't done May Day. But we finally got to do it. Addison made up bags for the neighbors and we got two. She thought it was pretty cool! 

All the money (all in one's) that Addison got from Makena and Conner. She was pretty excited. Although she did tell us she was going to put it all in her college fund! 

Addison could not wait to put together her drawers. Her and Ryan started the second we got home! 

Her "teacher corner" we set up in the basement. We got her a white board and hung up the chalkboard we had. I made her a teacher badge and filled her drawers with her supplies. She's all set! 
Just yesterday she was downstairs teaching Mason site words and how to tell time - Ha! 

Mason's roller coaster! Nolan was done with it, so it was our turn. The third time using it, he was already going down backwards. Him and Addison have definitely gotten their use out of this thing in the last 6 months. It's a big hit! 

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