Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A rainy Mother's Day

It was hailing briefly and Addison ran out to the deck to pick up hail. We tried to take a picture to show Grandpa Ron but it was tiny and melting fast! 

Annual Mother's Day picture. 

Getting to wear their matching rain coats as we go out to lunch for Mother's Day. 

Mason found a Mickey Mouse statue at TJ's, he was pumped. 

It was chilly outside, but the kids wanted to play in the rain. So Ryan took them out. I only only went out to snap a few pictures! 

 Addison was so excited to use her new umbrella and Mason was excited to have an umbrella and play in the rain. They got wet quick but had a good time! 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Mohawks, Tball, and Adventureland


Nolan got his hair cut into a mohawk when Nicole was away for work. Mason became envious. Ha! 

The way he says "mo-hawk" cracked us up. 

Addison's T-ball Game, she's the runner on first. 

Fielding the ball - she did much better than we expected! 

She's ready for it! It's so fun to watch her, I love it! 

Wagon ride into Adventureland. 

They did some perks for season pass holders and one of them was free ice cream cups. 

Another freebie was an icee. Addison was pumped. So was I, my mom used to let me get icees at Target all the time. I loved them! This one was lemonade mixed with cherry (they have gotten fancy since I was young). 

Mason had a blast at the playground. 

And we ended the day with free popcorn. Ryan and I also tried to drink our money's worth in fountain soda. Ha! 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Grandma & Grandpa's pet squirrel

Sporting his new dinosaur vest from Grandma Rita for his birthday. I didn't think he would like it but he loved it and asked 

He's got his bag of toys to go to Addison's t-ball game. 

Grandma & Grandpa haven't gotten another dog, so they got a pet squirrel. Craziest thing, Grandpa Ron called us and sent us a picture one night of this little baby squirrel in the shed. He was basically tame. He didn't run away from my dad. 

This is a video my dad sent of my mom playing with the squirrel. I wouldn't be more shocked if my right arm fell off. Ha! The squirrel hung out in the back yard for a couple weeks and then he parted ways. What an interesting and funny squirrel! 


Thursday, November 10, 2022

Fun with Reagan & Reid

It was Hat Day at school and Mason wanted to join in on the fun! 

Mason got a new slide (that's also a waterslide) for his birthday. Only took a day or two before he was headed down head first! 

Erin, Reagan and Reid came to spend the night at our house while on their way to Omaha. Ryan set up the John Deere Apple farm. It was a hit! 

Puppy chow before bed! 

Mason recently discovered he loves puppy chow. Who doesn't?! 

Boys in their tractor jammies and girls in their jammie dresses! 

These kids had so much fun! It was a short visit but the four kids played soooo well together. It was fun to see. Too bad we don't live closer, we could have so much fun! 

 Making Mickey Mouse waffles for our guests before they leave. They were headed to Omaha for some birthday parties. We had fun with Reagan and Reid! And I loved seeing Erin too of course :) 

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Happy Happy Birthday! Today's your special day!

Addison wanted to make sure we went to Hickory Park for the birthday boy!! 

In the picture on the left, they were singing to him. He was very embarrassed/shy. So then he hid in the corner of the booth. 

But he did blow out the candle. Not a trick candle this time! 

He loves the idea of ice cream but didn't love to eat (at this time). I think he looks like Landon a ton in this picture! 

In the May baskets, we got an "icee holder" Pretty genius in my opinion! We just used it the other night! 

Posing before school/daycare. Mason always does whatever Addison does. I took her picture to send to Grandma Rita, Kelly & Tracey and he went to the spot and posed after her. Silly boy! 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

First trip to Adventureland!

Addison got her facepainted at an event in Ames. Girl always chooses the unicorn! 

First time to Adventureland this year! Addison got season passes to Adventureland for her birthday. It was a nice weekend in May so we headed to the park! 

We brought the wagon, but Mason insisted on pulling it himself. Ha! 

They added quite a few new rides for younger kids. They had a mini-galleon so Addison had to try it out. She loved it! 

Big sister taking little brother on his first ride. I love that she feels so protective of him! I wish I could have heard what she was saying to him. She doesn't do it anymore, but she used to talk to him in a high-pitched voice. It was funny! 

He remained expression-less the whole time on the ride. Ha! 

Mason wanted to be just like Addison - with a jacket with a hood and a backpack. Ha! 


We also got some climbing blocks or exercise things from Nolan that the kids had fun with. Again, we have had them for all of 5 minutes and Mason is trying to knock another tooth out! 

Monday, November 7, 2022

May Day

Addison got to experience her first May Day! With COVID and moving, we haven't done May Day. But we finally got to do it. Addison made up bags for the neighbors and we got two. She thought it was pretty cool! 

All the money (all in one's) that Addison got from Makena and Conner. She was pretty excited. Although she did tell us she was going to put it all in her college fund! 

Addison could not wait to put together her drawers. Her and Ryan started the second we got home! 

Her "teacher corner" we set up in the basement. We got her a white board and hung up the chalkboard we had. I made her a teacher badge and filled her drawers with her supplies. She's all set! 
Just yesterday she was downstairs teaching Mason site words and how to tell time - Ha! 

Mason's roller coaster! Nolan was done with it, so it was our turn. The third time using it, he was already going down backwards. Him and Addison have definitely gotten their use out of this thing in the last 6 months. It's a big hit!