Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Stuck at home

While we were stuck at home with covid, we had to find things to keep busy. Addison loves these sticker projects. 

It was so cold out but we tried to get the kids outside some. Addison was helping Ryan shovel while me and Mason watched. Ha! 

My happy little guy with his curly hair. 

Needed to make sure we got a picture of our gingerbread house this year. It was a good one! 

Had to get Mason in (notice their matching jammies).

They were eating "8 cookies" aka Kringla that Grandma Rita made. They love Kringla! 

This little dude figured out light switches over Christmas break. It entertained him while we worked. He pushed a chair across the kitchen so he could reach the light switch. 

As I'm 6 months behind on posting, just last week Mason was able to stretch and reach the light switch in his room to shut off the light. He wants to do it so bad without a stool. Ha! He could just barely get it with his finger tips. It was an exciting moment in our house! 


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