Thursday, June 16, 2022

Christmas Break & wii bowling

Addison loved playing Wii this winter. My favorite is wii bowling but Addison loves the sword fighting. Ha! We played a lot of wii over Christmas Break and Addison got a high score for her in bowling. 

This was a Christmas gift from Mason's daycare, its an ornament with his photo in it. I LOVE the photo of Mason they got. 

Mason running his farm that he got for Christmas. He loves the tractors and the cows that came with this set. Eventually we will use it as a water or sand table like it's intended! 

Aw, my little buddy! He was so tired he fell asleep on the couch. He's so sweet. 

The kids had so much fun playing with these boxes. Playing hide & seek, being a jack in the box, etc. It was good entertainment for Christmas break. 

We bought Big Nolan a waldo book for Christmas and Addison was trying to find waldo. She has gotten pretty good at it! Then we find the extra items too. She's good at finding the scroll, I can find the bone and Ryan always finds the tail of the dog. I struggled with the tail! 

 As with Iowa weather the past couple years, we had a crazy windstorm in December. It was awful and a little scary after the derecho!! The wind was pushing so hard at the front door that we decided we better jerry-rig a solution to brace the door shut. It was kind of a nerve-wrecking night but we made it through pretty unscathed! Addison is always worried now with every storm that the power will go out (since it did with the derecho for a few days). 

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