Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Happy Anniversary

Well here is our annual anniversary photo, celebrating 8 years. This year had potential to be one of our most exciting anniversary, but by the picture, you can tell it didn't end up that way! We were going to go to MN to a Thomas Rhett concert with my family. They had gotten a limo and everything. I was looking forward to actually having plans this year!! 

But..... we got covid. UGH. We traced it to the Lents Christmas, quite a few of us got it after spending 5 days together. I took a test on Wednesday of that week and it was positive. Which meant that we couldn't go to Violet's birthday party that day. Addison was absolutely heart-broken. So was I. This was the first friend party she had been invited too. She was sooooo excited. There were quite a few tears in our house that day :( 

So we had to cancel all our plans that week. I'm still mad. Bitter. UGH. 
But we enjoyed our time together. We were trying on Addison & my new headbands we got for Christmas. 

We played lots of games, watched movies, played with all the new toys from Christmas, wii bowling, etc. 

The kiddos managed to stay pretty healthy. Mason had a little bit of a rough time on New Year's Day, but he felt better quick and he tested negative. 

We talked to Addison about our wedding and she asked lots of questions. We got out our wedding photo album and took a trip down memory lane. It was fun to show her and re-live the memories. 

Although Ryan and I were not feeling like it, we opened a bottle of champagne. We felt we HAD to have champagne on our anniversary! We were drinking hot tea the rest of the night - haha! 

Our 9th Anniversary is going to be much better!! I'm determined we are going somewhere or doing something exciting :) 

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