Thursday, June 9, 2022

Christmas with the Lents family

It was beautiful on Christmas day at the Lents farm. All had fun running on hay bales! Took Ryan and I back to being kids and running on bales, one of the more fun memories from my childhood. My dog Chip used to jump up and run and play tag with me and Landon :) 

Dale, Evonne & the grandkids. Mason was 1, Addison 5, Garrett 4, Nolan 6

Addison had fun playing with her cousins. 

Decorating cookies with Grandma Evonne. Not sure they will get asked again, I think they drove Grandma Evonne a little crazy with lots of sprinkles and wanting crazy colors of frosting! 

Had to capture this, Mason giving Brad a high-five! Mason wasn't the most friendly with others at this time (still isn't), but dude loves him a high-five! 

Addison was helping me make lunch when they call came to our house. She did a great job filling the eggs. 

Addison took a photo of the Lents adults. 

Aunt Cathy playing cards with the kids. The kids love playing with Cathy, it was good to see her as it had been a while!

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