Thursday, June 23, 2022

Ryan's Birthday

After spending so many days trapped in the house, the kids got to pick some chips for a snack - ha! 

Celebrating Ryan's birthday with ribs and a birthday sundae at Hickory Park! As you can see, Addison was definitely distracted by that ice cream :) 

Best gift ever! Addison's kindergarten glass made this Christmas gift for us. It's a piece of tile with this photo on it, then she painted the Christmas lights. It worked out perfectly as she was wearing her Christmas light shirt that day! 

Does playing with a tractor in the doll house make it more manly?? 

It was a somewhat "warm" aka not freezing on a January afternoon so Addison and I went on a quick run/bike ride. We took a picture of the moon and sent it to Grandpa Ron. 


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