Thursday, February 17, 2022

Matching outfits and a football party

Finally into the month of November! Mason at daycare drawing with chalk

Working at home with this little dude and he thinks he needs to help me :) He climbed up on the chair by himself and he was pretty proud of himself. 

Needed to run a few errands and took this little teenager with me. She has her purse, her watch and her cell phone. She couldn't answer my question because she was on the phone. Ha! 

It was a nice Saturday and one of the kids had been sick, I don't even remember which one. Ha! We stayed home because I was worried about getting my family sick. It was a nice night so we took a walk to the park. 

I won't do that again without Ryan. Ha! A mile is a long distance with the wagon and these two! Whew! I had to recruit Addison to pull Mason for a while. 

 This guy was pretty proud of himself, he made it up into his high chair all by himself. It's not easy, but he was hungry and determined. Ha! 

Addison LOVES that both her and Mason had matching jerseys :) 

I missed the tailgating and the game, but I had a great night with these two. I love them more than anything! 

We put Mason to bed and ourselves a little football party. We had popcorn while we watched the game. 

Then ice cream sundaes with carmel, chocolate, and sprinkles. :) Really terrible pictures of me, ha, but oh well! Addison stayed up till the end of the game, we had fun. ISU won 30-7, it was a fun game to watch. 

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Trick or Treat


Addison with the scary jack-o-lantern. She was pretty excited. 

The Grinch & Max again! Again, not the best Max, he needed one antler on the top of his head but oh well. Ha! The costume worked great for him and was warm. 

Annual Halloween pic with our pumpkins and Casper. Not sure I've shared the story of Casper, hopefully he will be Addison's some day. It was a gift from my mom when I was in college and he is one of my most favorite possessions. My mom liked to send things to us in college. Landon has a similar one, Joe-Mummy. Or Mummy-Joe as Brayden called him when he was little. Another thing my mom sent was a snowman with a lollipop that sang the song "Lollipop" which I loved when I was little. Addison, I hope you remember as you get older all the singing animals your Grandma Rita has sent us. She loves her singing animals! When you were little, you would have like 6 going at once. They drive your Aunt Lori crazy when she visits at Christmas, but we love them! We love all the "noise noise noise!" (your favorite line from The Grinch when you were 3) ANYWAYS, enough of memory lane, back to Halloween :)  

This wagon is great! Apparently it wasn't meant for kiddos, which is why it was only $50, but it works for us. As long as Mason doesn't jump out. He did try to jump out of the cart at Target last weekend, so this summer may be interesting. 

I joked that Max was supposed to be pulling the sleigh - ha! Addison loves to take care of Mason. 

Max and I came home early, but not soon enough! We were probably .75 miles from home and I decided Max had to be freezing. Addison emptied her bag and went out a little longer. 

Mason getting Addison's candy while she was in the shower :) This Halloween was great. I can't wait till next year, I'm sure the kids will have more excitement yet. 

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

More Apple Orchard...... for the last time

Last time on the train for this season! It was a pretty nice day so we ventured to the orchard one last time :(
Clearly I need to update more as I'm posting about fall/Halloween events and it's Valentine's Day! Yikes! 

Top of the hay bale tower

We didn't do the corn maze this year, it was too muddy this year. 

Mason decided he's done riding in the stroller this year and threw some massive fits when I would try to put him back in it. So while Addison was on the jumping pillow, I decided to let Mason get in the corn pit. We have kept him out all year for two reasons....... because I didn't want him to eat it and I didn't want to deal with the mess at home - ha! 

He wasn't sure what to think at first, but then decided he liked it. Addison was so excited when she saw us. 

It was Halloween and we needed to carve our pumpkin!! Addison wanted a scary pumpkin. She had zero interest in getting the pumpkin guts out. We bribed her. I think I told her if she got 10 seeds out, she could have a sucker. It took lots of thinking, but she decided she would do it. 

Then I laughed at this scene, she got her ten seeds out and she was done! She looks like a little teenager - ha! 

The photo doesn't do it justice, but this is a "game" Mason loved to play. He loved it when we would spin a football on the ground. He would watch it spin or knock it over. Then he would say "more more" and do the signal for more. He would get really giddy if two footballs were going. Addison liked to try to spin the ball as well. It was a silly activity but provided lots of entertainment. It was also a challenge to Ryan and I to see if we could spin different types of footballs (big, small, foam, leather, etc) and how long they could spin for. Ryan figured out he could start the ball on it's side and it would pop up to be on the tip. What a talent- ha! 

Monday, February 14, 2022

Trick or Treating in Polk City

The Grinch with her giant pumpkin 

We went to Lauren's house to go trick or treating on Oct. 30. We started to walk outside and there were dogs out and Addison freaked out. So she hopped in my car to be safe - ha! 

The Trick or Treat Crew! Violet, Addison, Henry and Caleb. The boys ran ahead super fast and the girls went a little slower. Addison had so much fun! It was an awesome trick or treat atmosphere..... kids everywhere and houses decorated. 

She was so excited for all her candy :) 

While we were out trick or treating, this little guy was at home with Ryan. One of our favorite pictures of him! 

I'm getting real old, I'm enjoying views and nature more - ha! I took this as I was working at the kitchen table. I just love the view :) 

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Halloween Events

Daycare posted these pictures - look how well-behaved all these 1 year olds are!! WOW. I'm told they all sit and wait patiently for their food. I think they are telling stories :) 

Don't love seeing Mason get sweets, but it's my only complaint about this place. He gets sweets at special occasions - ha! 

Mason's trick or treating, it's on the right in the brown furry costume. 

He was Max to the Grinch. Not a great Max, but oh well. 

Addison had a Halloween parade at school. Having no idea what this was all about, I didn't know what to expect. It was pretty cold so her Grinch costume wouldn't be a good option. We dug out her ghost costume from two years ago, she was so excited! Lol. It's literally a sheet I cut up and then a white stocking hat. Anyways, they walk up one side of the street in Slater trick or treating at the businesses. Then cross the street and go back the other way. I told Addison that I wasn't sure if we could be there. She was SO excited when I saw her. I Facetimed Ryan so he could see too. She was so excited. I'm glad I went and now we know what to expect for next year! 

My little Grinch fell asleep BEFORE trick or treating! 

Grinch and Max at the church trick or treat event. It was supposed to be outside but they moved it inside due to rain (it rained hard ALL DAY). I was so happy to be inside regardless. Ha! 

They both had their ghost bags from Tracey. It was January and Mason was still carrying around his ghost bucket - ha! 

Mason got the hang of this trick or treating thing really fast. It was an awesome event, they had so many cool, fun booths. I couldn't believe how all out they went. 

I think Mason wanted the truck at the road work table :) Addison had to help Mason get some candy sometimes. She got a couple sticky hands, they were so excited. 

Since we were in WDM, we went to Red Robin for supper. Addison loved the giant Statue of Liberty. We had to wait a while to be seated, but the food came the fastest we have had. It was so nice not to have to entertain Mason for very long. Mason loved the fries and food :) Mason also ate food off the floor when he got out of the chair, Addison claims it was ours. Ha! 

This candy entertained Mason for hours. Drove Ryan crazy when he dumped it out. Ha! 


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Super hero spotting

Been a couple weeks since I've updated, I need to get back at it! It's been a busier few weeks than normal it feels like. We have had dance class, swimming lessons, ISU basketball games, and kiddos getting sick all in the last few weeks. And I've gotten busier at work, which is nice. 
The picture above is a football game from the fall, obviously it was a nice day! We met up with my college friend Lacey and her husband Wes. Sadly our kids never seemed to be attending the games at the same time! 

It was a fun football season with Addy, she's getting more interested in the sport. She's enjoyed basketball this winter too. 

I love this action photo.... if I was good I could blur the edges. But I'm not good. There was a super hero spotting at the Ames house :) 

Getting Mason's 6 month measurement recorded :) 

Soccer was over on Monday nights so I got Addison signed up for dance classes in town. The first night of dance was before Halloween so she got vampire teeth. For some reason, she loves to put stickers on her forehead. I won't complain, they don't go through the wash that way :) 

 Oh my sweet baby!! I got home from work and he was a little fussy. I held him and just rocked him while standing. He was asleep in minutes. My kids NEVER do that. He wasn't sick or anything this time, just tired I guess!