Saturday, December 31, 2022

Dance Recital!

We had dance recital June 3 and 4. The whole week of recital was busy with rehearsals. It was kind of crazy with it being our first year and not knowing what to expect, but they did give us a good handbook. Addison was pretty excited but she didn't know about what! 

She's in the middle with her arm up in the air. I was able to sit close and take pictures during the rehearsal. 

In the middle again

Looking back at her instructor. I was soooo sick the two days of recital. Not throwing up, but I was so tired, headache, sore throat. I was down for the count. Went to the dr, certain I had strep.... and both strep and covid were negative. I felt so bad, I wanted it to be something! Ha! I was miserable but had to find a way to power through due to the recital. It was rough. I didn't hardly get time to sleep because of daycare drop offs and then getting ready for dress recital, recitals and staying through the events. Yikes! Glad that's over. Ha! BUT, recital was great and Addison had so much fun. 

Getting ready for ballet. She also had a great day because after the second day of dance recital, she got to go to her first birthday party at her friend Layla's house. Ryan and I joined since Ryan knew Layla's dad from college. It was a great weekend! 


Friday, December 30, 2022

Last Day of School

We couldn't believe Addison fit in the horse trailer - ha! 

The video shows her hiding from Ryan. 

Very cold summer kick off party in Ames! 

We will go anywhere for face painting...... 

The fire fighters bring their truck. I have no idea if they are actually invited or stop by for free food. I really think this year they were just joining the community event for the free food! And let the kiddos get in the truck. 

Mason wanted some attention too.

Addison's last day of Kindergarten! She was happy and sad at the same time. She LOVED Kindergarten and Ms. Upah. 

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Planting pumpkins

Addison was so excited to be at the farm to plant pumpkins with Grandpa Ron. She bugged him and FINALLY it was time to go outside to plant. 

Mason got to help as well. He didn't understand what he was doing but Addison tried hard to explain it to him. 

The highlight of planting pumpkins was the flag placement. Mason had a red flag and Addison got the pink flags. They talked so much about the flags. Funny, I loved putting the flags in too. My dad always had them behind the seat in his truck, back then it was a bench seat though. 

We heard the pumpkin planting process multiple times throughout the summer and Grandpa Ron would send us picture updates of the pumpkin plants. Addison loved it. Then we were there when they grown and she got to walk out to see them. She loved seeing the product she grew. It was so fun for me as that was a very memorable part of my childhood. I'm glad she got to experience that with my dad too :) 

Took this picture for another purpose but decided to put it in the blog too. This was the homestead in 2019. Grandma said it will be the last picture they do. She gave each of us kids a picture for our house. 

Another memorable part of my childhood was climbing trees. Dad had to cut down the branch I usually used to get in the tree so I had to give her a boost. This is the tree in the front yard that I always climbed. I hung out in that tree too. There used to be an old picnic table we put under the tree to help me climb up. Chip would sit on the table and wait for me to come back. 

 A quick weekend at the farm but it was a good one. Jam packed. Even though this was last May, Mason asks a couple times a week to go back to the farm. It's winter now, but I promised to get him back soon! 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Fun on the Farm

Apparently dance pictures wore her out. After pictures we all jumped in the car to get to the farm. 

Wasn't necessarily nice out..... but we played outside anyways! 

This girl was pumped to get in a tractor. I dropped her and Grandpa off at the Clare farm and they drove back home. 

Taking my spot on the buddy seat :) 

Mason loves the tractors.....but he prefers to be outside and not inside! He LOVES walking around the farm and looking at all the tractors. Tonight at dinner he said "I want to go to Grandma's house" and we said "which one, Ames or the farm?" and he said "The farm, there are tractors, wagons, grain bins, and augers there". Ha! 

We went to my cousin Sonya's youngest kid's graduation party. There was a smore station, it was exciting! 

That smile says it all! 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Sick days

Oh man, it's been so long since this little dude was sick. I'm waiting every day now for him to get sick. Ha! It seems like everyone is getting sick right now, and I mean EVERYONE. It's apparently an after-effect of wearing masks and not going out (they say), but I think that's slightly crazy since no one around here was wearing masks last year either. It's crazy the amount of illness going around..... strep, RSV, influenza, etc. There is a shortage of amoxicillin and now Tylenol. There are still supply chain issues with various products. The grocery stores have been short on bread for a while and now I can hardly get shredded cheese at Aldi's.  

I hope when Mason does get sick, he's jumping toys like he was this time he got sick in May. Ha! We are just waiting for the sickness and ask the kids every day if they are feeling okay. ha! It's bound to hit us at Christmas..... 

Mason does not fall asleep in other places than his bed like Addison used to, so you know he's not feeling well if he does! Poor Buddy. 

Addison had dance pictures last May, it was our first time. It's quite the production and not what I expected. This last year and a half has been quite the learning experience with all the new activities and trying to figure things out (for me not her!). 


Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Lunch with Addison

Parents got invited to lunch at school at the end of the year. I was planning to go with Addison.....then Mason got sick. I felt so bad, I had to tell her I couldn't go. Ryan had conference for work, so he couldn't help me out. I told Addison I couldn't go and she was of course very mature about it and understood. But I could tell she was disappointed. So I called my mom that morning to see if she could come sit with Mason for a few hours. 

So my mom came down and Addison was so excited I was able to have lunch with her. She loved showing me the lunch room and the playground. I did learn that most families bring lunch in from somewhere and not the PB&J that I brought. Ha! One whole family came in with a pizza from Casey's. Of course, Addison didn't care! 

Addison loved showing me everything she can do on the playground. 

Addison's friend Tempe has recess with her. We know Tempe and her mom from daycare. These girls are two peas in a pod! 

Addison showed me her chickens in her classroom, she was so excited! 

Since there was only an hour of school left, Addison came home with me. This was the day that Mason woke up with a super high temp and looked awful, so I rushed him to Express Care and Addison went to Ames shopping with my mom. So thankful for my mom that day to help me have a special day with Addison. Plus Addison got to spend some time with my mom alone, which she loves. I think my mom bought her a new notebook that day, Addison was thrilled. 

Addison is already talking about me coming to lunch with her at the end of 1st Grade! 


Monday, December 5, 2022

Sick Kiddo

Mason packs his crib with tractors and cars, he LOVES his tractors! 

This poor kid had a rough week. He was sick for about 4 or 5 days. He woke up from a nap on Wednesday with a temp of 103 and labored breathing so I took him into Express Care. They were instantly concerned and kind of freaked me out, saying I needed to take him to Blank. They examined Mason without me even checking in. They checked him over and his blood oxygen level was borderline. They gave him ibuprofen and a prescription as she assumed he either had early pneumonia or bronchitis. Ugh. But thankfully they didn't send us to Blank. I didn't take a picture when he looked really bad, but 2 hours later, he was riding a bike in the driveway. So weird! 

Sam's Club run with these two. Shopping is harder with them sometimes but at least they have a good time! 

We love the views at this house, we see some beautiful sunsets! The kids talk to Grandpa Ron about the sunsets, sunrises, color of the sky and the moon. This night we facetimed with him and watched each other's sunsets. Crazy how different they can be when only 1.5 hours away!