Sunday, November 21, 2021

Omaha Zoo part 2

Addison and Ryan were able touch a star fish. I was surprised Addison did it, but she had no hesitation! 

Again, there can't be enough photos & laughs at how Mason rights in the stroller. He's 18 months and doesn't do that anymore. 

Mason liked watching the water falls. Addison and Ryan took a route that we couldn't take with the stroller. The rain forest wasn't as impressive as I remember from years ago, but it was still okay. 

Told Addison to pet the lizard, she wasn't sure if it was real or not. Ha! 

Back to the aquarium! We could have spent hours there. We were trying to capture a penguin in the background but that didn't work. 

The elephants never got real close to the fence and we went by a couple times! We had a good time watching the giraffes though. They were close to the fence and pretty active. It was fun watching Mason when he saw the animals. 

Two years ago, there were some lions that fought over some meat in the back of this truck. It was awesome. Ha! It was so close to the glass there was a slight fear but it was cool to see the lions actually DO something. Usually they just lay around.... lol. 

And right before the zoo closed (like 20 minutes) we went to the playground. It was a pretty sweet playground, and super tall. Addison had a great time and was very sad when we had to go. We got there at 10;30am and left at 5pm. And we all could have kept going. Mason took a couple little naps in the stroller but Addison went strong all day. No whining or crying, she was great! We did about 15,000 steps that day :) 

Going across the rope bridge. We need to hit up the playground a little sooner next time! Or maybe buy the two day pass (we just make it a day trip).

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