Monday, November 22, 2021

Gotta get that pacifier.....

Ryan's just working on some conditioning. It was probably an extra 50 lbs on his back. I can't remember how many push-ups he ended up doing, we will say 50. Haha :) 

This kid will get the pacifier any way he can - ha! We were trying not to let him have it while he was just hanging out around the house, only in the car and at bedtime. Addison used to seek out her carseat like this too - ha! 
And because there won't be a photo to remind me later, we took the pacifier away from him in the car I think in August. Then we started putting him to bed without it, but if he woke up in the middle of the night we would give it to him (mainly because he woke up a lot and we were way too tired to 'fight' with him in the middle of the night! 
Then I think it was early October, he slept through the night for about 5-6 nights. It was awesome! Then he started to go on a great sleeping streak and viola - the pacifier was done! 

Just checking to see what's for dinner :) This kid is always hungry, like his mom! 

He had 3 pacifiers and would take a few sucks and then switch it out with a different color. Then every once in a while, he would reach up and twist the pacifier. No idea why, it's the same shape and shouldn't matter. Ha! 

Oh man, our big girl practicing on the school bus. The bus came to daycare to talk to the kids and they 'practiced' getting on and getting buckled. She was SO EXCITED. 

 Mason found his new favorite perch. He loved looking out the window and checking out what was going on in the neighborhood. He couldn't walk yet, but he could climb up on the chair :) 

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