Monday, November 1, 2021

Blank Park Zoo

We used our library adventure pass to visit the Blank Park Zoo. The giraffes were eating a snack and were really close to us, we were pretty excited. Took this picture and sent to Tracey (giraffes are her favorite). It was fun to see them so close and you can see the baby one on the right. I think it was 5 or 6 months old. 

Apparently we needed to pack a better snack for this dude. He was munching on his toes. Ha! He doesn't do this anymore, so I'm glad I got some pictures. Maybe he doesn't do it anymore because we keep telling him he has stinky toes. Ha! 

Our "double stroller". Mason rides like that normally, so it's easy for Addison to hop in. I used to love the funny looks people would give Mason when he rode spread eagle. 

There was a birds nest above where the jeep is located, they kept swooping in. Ha! Addison was safe in the jeep. We had a good time watching the seals, monkeys and the lions. We also watched the turtles for a while. Ha! Addison loved the playground of course. We spent a half day at the zoo and did everything 2-3 times. 

 Mason also slept like this in the stroller quite a bit. What a cutie! 

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